Free California DMV Practice Test questions, similar to what you will find at the California DMV; Taking our practice exam will let you know if you are likely to successfully pass the Test. Get the new California DMV driver's license study guide to prepare for the California Learner's Permit exam here.
Popular Questions
Question: You must yield the right-of-way to an emergency vehicle by: A. Moving into the right lane and driving slowly until it has pas...
Question: The "Three-second rule" applies to the space _____ of your vehicle. A. In back. B. To the sides. C. Ahead. ...
Question: The phrase gross combination vehicle weight is figured by adding together: A. The trailer and the powered vehicle. B. The lo...
Question: When traveling behind large trucks, _______ your following distance. A. disregard B. increase C. eliminate D. None of the a...
Question: To make a right turn from a two-way street from a two-way street, start in the right hand lane and end in: A. The left lane. ...
Question: Two sets of solid double yellow lines spaced two feet or more apart: A. May only be crossed to make a left turn or U-turn B....
Question: When driving on a multilane street with two-way traffic A. You should drive ahead of or behind the other vehicles B. Drive a...
Question: You see a flashing yellow traffic signal at an upcoming intersection. The flashing yellow light means: A. Slow down and cross ...
Question: You are on a highway with two traffic lanes in your direction and you see a vehicle stopped on the right shoulder of the road a...
Bicycle riders on the public streets have the same rights and responsibilities as all other vehicle operators. Bicyclists should always obe...