Free California DMV Practice Test questions, similar to what you will find at the California DMV; Taking our practice exam will let you know if you are likely to successfully pass the Test. Get the new California DMV driver's license study guide to prepare for the California Learner's Permit exam here.
Popular Questions
Question: You should usually drive your vehicle more carefully when you: A. Pass large trucks on the freeway B. Are near schools, playgr...
Question: Persons age 21 or older who drive with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of ______% or more, are driving illegally. ★ This pa...
Question: Electronic highway message boards communicate______. A. safety messages B. advertisements C. radio station frequencies D. on...
Question: When approaching a school bus with red lights flashing you must __________________. ★ This page is moved to..
Question: Allow extra space in front of your vehicle when following a: A. Passenger car B. Station wagon C. Large tour bus Cli...
Question: When passing another car, you should not pull back in front of it until _________________. ★ This page is moved to..
Question: Which of the following is true about use of your turn signals? A. You must always signal for lane changes B. You should never...
Question: The best way to control events that occur outside of your vehicle is to_____. A. drive only in the daylight B. plan your rou...
Question: Large trucks turning right onto a street with two lanes in each direction: A. May complete their turn in either the left or ri...
Question: To execute a turn safely a motorcycle rider should always: A. Turn using the handle bars only. B. Lean the motorcycle in the...