Free California DMV Practice Test questions, similar to what you will find at the California DMV; Taking our practice exam will let you know if you are likely to successfully pass the Test. Get the new California DMV driver's license study guide to prepare for the California Learner's Permit exam here.
Popular Questions
Question: Stay on the right side of your lane when __________. A. you are going through a curve B. you reach a railroad crossing C. yo...
Bicycle riders on the public streets have the same rights and responsibilities as all other vehicle operators. Bicyclists should always obe...
Question: California's "Basic Speed Law" says: A. Always drive at the posted speed limit B. Keep your speed close to that...
Question: You may drive in a bike lane A. If you drive slower than 15 mph B. No more than 200 feet before making a right turn C. Whene...
Question: If there are two solid Yellow lines driving opposite lanes of traffic, You may A. cross over the lines to pass another vehicle ...
Question: Two sets of solid double yellow lines spaced two feet or more apart: A. May only be crossed to make a left turn or U-turn B....
Question: Upshifting or downshifting in a curve: A. Is better than shifting before the curve. B. Should only be done if it can be don...
Always pay special attention to the most vulnerable of all roadway users: pedestrians and bicyclists. They depend on your constant attentio...
Question: You may drive for no more than ____ feet in a center left-turn lane. A. 50 B. 100 C. 150 D. 200 Click here to know ...
Question: When you come to a corner with a stop sign, you should stop __________________. ★ This page is moved to..