Free California DMV Practice Test questions, similar to what you will find at the California DMV; Taking our practice exam will let you know if you are likely to successfully pass the Test. Get the new California DMV driver's license study guide to prepare for the California Learner's Permit exam here.
Popular Questions
Question: Roadways are the most slippery? A. During a heavy downpour B. The first rain after a dry spell C. During a light drizzle D. ...
Question: If the roadway is wet and your car starts to skid, you should: A. Slow down by shifting into a lower gear. B. Slow down by pu...
DONE - Which of the following is true about roadways on bridges and overpasses in cold, wet weather?Question: Which of the following is true about roadways on bridges and overpasses in cold, wet weather? A. They do not freeze because th...
Question: Whenever you drive at night, you should: A. Drink plenty of water. B. Slow down. C. Make sure you are well rested. D. Alway...
Question: A freeway on-ramp is marked with this white sign. Which of the following vehicles may use this lane? (carpools 3 or more only) ...
Question: At night, if an oncoming vehicle fails to dim its high beams, look: A. Toward the center of the roadway B. Straight ahead in y...
Question: When you park your vehicle, you should find a place that: A. Allows for 10 feet of space all around your rig. B. Does not req...
Question: Which of the following is true about use of your turn signals? A. You must always signal for lane changes B. You should never...
Question: You must notify DMV within 5 days if you: A. Sell or transfer your vehicle B. Paint your vehicle a different color C. Are cit...
Question: Before you can take the driving portion to get your commercial drivers license, you will need to: A. Conduct a pre-trip inspect...